
59kilos.com appears in Brussels Unlimited

Just about one week after I started this blog, I received an email with a very attractive proposition: to talk about my life in Brussels. The interview would be part of an impressive project, that would span for 27 weeks and feature 27 nationals from each European country. I was to represent Romania - not a relaxing thought at all.

The interview day finally come, it wasn't as terrifying as expected. At the contrary, we spent a really nice afternoon chatting about lovely places in Brussels, about what it means to move abroad and how long does it take to call a new country home.

If you live in Belgium, you can read the interview in this week's edition of Brussels Unlimited, a magazine packed with lots of useful information. Or go online to Ana-Maria's blog anamariameets.eu where you can watch the video as well.


  1. Maria Betania Santiago6/14/10, 12:41 PM

    Diana!!!!!!!!!! Je suive ton blog!!!!
    Great idea about 59 kilos!!!!
    Congratulations n good luck for you.
    Qui fait les photos sont vraiment belles!!!
    Gros bisous.

  2. C'est moi qui fait les photos, donc un grand merci ;)
